*Knowledge is meant to be shared openly, and generously; with that said, I welcome all invitations for interviews, webinars, and podcasts.*
Born in Trinidad and Tobago, and educated in Grenada and the United States, I’m 2nd generation Caribbean-born of Portuguese and Spanish descent. Growing up, my parents instilled in me a sense of civic duty. I had a responsibility to the community that I grew up in. And it was incumbent on me to give back. Currently, I do so, in several leadership roles that include:
1. Chief Executive Officer/Chief Partnerships Officer (CEO/CPO) at Health Data For Good (HDFG); an organization that improves health outcomes and access to care, for all Americans! I also co-lead The Big Cancer & Global Health Equity Initiative, The Global STEM Initiative, and The Global Registry For Hispanic/Latino Health.
2. State Co-Director at The Force for Health® Network’s My Healthy Florida™; a physician-led Chamber of Health™ System serving the entire State of Florida, focusing on improving health outcomes for Floridians, and reducing barriers of access to high-quality, affordable healthcare.
3. President & CEO at Armada BusinessMD, a business consulting and financial services company that focuses on Health & Wealth Equity Programs through debt elimination, health, and financial education.
4. Co-Leader at The Tampa Bay Florida Chapter of The Society of Physician Entrepreneurs (SoPE); a not-for-profit, global, open biomedical and clinical innovation and entrepreneurship network.
5. Advisor to The Latino Leadership Institute’s Business Accelerator Program (Latino Entrepreneur Access Program), to the EQuip Our Kids! Campaign, and to Florida International University’s (FIU) Executive Women of Influence Program.
My community is my family, and my family comes first! As CEO/CPO at Health Data For Good, and in all other capacities, I reduce disparities in healthcare, housing, education, and economics in underserved communities. Especially in the Hispanic community! I’m absolutely living my best life! I’m doing what I love! I’m living my passion for bringing opportunity to those who’ve been historically disenfranchised! I measure my success by the social and generational impact that I’ve created for others! And I’m extremely proud of the life that I’ve created for myself while doing so!